Monday, July 26, 2010


Okay the army has a suicide problem, and they don't know why. OK there is a little book called zebras don't have ulcers. It's about how constant micro-stressors have a different effect than normal stress. Anyways you always hear in the media about how horrible it is for soldiers because they are under fire and away for 3 months to a year at a time and they are missing their families. Yeah I am gone for a year and yeah we get indirect fire blah blah blah. You know what annoys me the most? MOON DUST. like dust from the moon, i don't know why it is called that but let me describe it. Y'know how sand gets EVERYWHERE at the beach? it's like that but tens times worse. dust gets into your nose and forms nasty boogers, that cant be snot rocketed out. Another thing you bring your weapon everywhere, don't leave it anywhere. going to the latrine don't leave it in your room. basically it is glued to your side, don't get caught without it or you're getting it. Also there is no alcohol. there is near-beer, or non alcoholic beer. That's great except non-alcoholic beer has a terrible aftertaste. Laundry is a problem because it is so hot you sweat so much and you cant shower daily because of water issues. my clothes could stand up by themselves from salt from my sweat. it is bad, but you know I don't mind it I knew it was coming but you don't know these thing till you get here. weekends off? ha!

Go tell a soldier not to worry about getting shot but to worry about sand.
(Disclaimer: Don't.)

Monday, July 5, 2010

The beauty is undeniable.

Well I had my 11 month anniversary on the 4th and my 6 month anniversary on the 2nd, because I got married twice, to the same person. Also, if you were unaware the 4th of July is a holiday, celebrated by attempting to blow fingers off and getting so completely blitzed you can't even start a push button grill. Well it's actually Independence day. the date the Declaration of Independence was signed. But I think that is bullshit. If i declare myself a woman I am not a woman until my surgeries finish. So shouldn't Independence Day be the date the war was over? September 3rd, the date the treaty of Versailles was signed. So from this point forth I'll celebrate Independence Day then thank you very much.

Celebrate Independence day on Sept 3 by blowing shit up.
(Disclaimer: Don't actually, it's illegal)

Thursday, July 1, 2010

ahhh, I love the army.

Yesterday we were informed that we would be starting shifts today 2 people with rotating NCOs during the day 3 people who have never deployed before during the night. wait so, people who are higher ranking and have deployed before and have more experience during the day, with supervision and assistance should they need it, together; and people who have never deployed before during the more active time (for my job anyways) without help supervision or experience. WOW good planning on that part. Anyways preparing for night shift I stayed up all night and went to bed around 3. Sleeping in I am awoken by a knock at the door. It's my section chief telling me I might not be starting shift tonight anyways, and wondering why I am sleeping. Now nothing against my NCOs, but this is exactly why I hate the whole bureaucracy thing, if we were all informed on an even level this wouldn't have happened. It's like a constant game of telephone (Courtesy of Lady Gaga) except we get to play with guns. So misinformation + diplomatic immunity + immense amounts of killing power = not a smart combo. Anyway I am shocked that this section is so well organized seeing how we are forced to act. Well I guess I should apologize seeing as my NCOs can read this. I know it isn't their fault but I tend to blame them considering I am not allowed to talk to anyone else above them.

Go destroy all records of Lady Gaga's music before it takes over the world
(Disclaimer: Don't actually. Just try to get Telephone out of your head by listening to Bad Romance [gotcha twice there haha!])