Monday, July 5, 2010

The beauty is undeniable.

Well I had my 11 month anniversary on the 4th and my 6 month anniversary on the 2nd, because I got married twice, to the same person. Also, if you were unaware the 4th of July is a holiday, celebrated by attempting to blow fingers off and getting so completely blitzed you can't even start a push button grill. Well it's actually Independence day. the date the Declaration of Independence was signed. But I think that is bullshit. If i declare myself a woman I am not a woman until my surgeries finish. So shouldn't Independence Day be the date the war was over? September 3rd, the date the treaty of Versailles was signed. So from this point forth I'll celebrate Independence Day then thank you very much.

Celebrate Independence day on Sept 3 by blowing shit up.
(Disclaimer: Don't actually, it's illegal)

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