Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Great Listeners

You know that one person who always talks to you but never listens? The one who talks to you for a half an hour over coffee about your vacation then asks where you were when you get back
"Hey, I didn't see you at the office where were you?"
"I went on vacation."
"Oh where'd you go?"
"Hawaii, yeah we talked about this last week"

Here is my new proposal: headbutt them. If growing up they never listened that means they never learned and if they never learned they are stupid and a burden on our society. On the off chance that your headbutt causes brain damage and they suddenly learn to listen, good job.

People who never listen are like tiny nasty warts that slowly spread. They irk the hell out of everyone and never go away. If you surround this person with other people long enough everyone starts not listening just like the first guy. So this single person who views are always forced on others is a loud mouthed I am always right fashion spreads. The longer we sit there taking the more likely we are to become non-listeners.

The next time you tell someone something 5 times and they don't recall it, headbutt them.
(Disclaimer: I don't condone any violence, but if you do headbutt the person, good job.)

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